Mine Victòria

At the beginning of the 20th century the zinc expoitation began in the area of Arres and Bossost


The Val d’Aran was at one time strictly a area for mineral extraction. 

In 1912 the Victoria Mine was in full operation taking out approximately 80 tons of rough minerals a day and started the operation of a mineral wash basin in Bossost. Between 100 and 150 people worked in the mines spread out both in the interior and exterior of the galleries.

Itinerary Information:
Route on Foot
Distance: 3 km
Duration: 2-3 horas
The guided visit included the gallery entrance.


Visitor center, guided visits, picnic areas.


Summer: from Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 to 15:00 (from 4th July onwards)

Price: 3 euros.

Tel. 973 641815


Accommodation: Holiday cottages in Lleida province


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